Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth: Homework or Whatever

Between play rehearsals, family, my dog, and everything good in life, homework doesn't really fit in that well. And then teachers are all like, "Do it by next class typed and four pages long and if it's not perfect you fail!" Which, of course, makes me cry.

I have two days to do my homework, but with the amount of homework which is piled up on my each night, who cares? Two days isn't enough! Don't they realize that I have a life I have to attend to? One which isn't centered around the crap they expect me to complete in two days. On almost every day of the week I have play rehearsals from 4:00 to 6:00 pm, and I have to do all my homework in between lines.

Then there are the teachers who don't realize, or simply don't care or pretend to notice, this fact, and they decide to give you a test which you have only two days to study for. So now, on top of the homework, memorizing my lines, my dog, and my general life... *sharp intake of breath*... I have to study for a test on a summer reading book I read in June.

So do they simply refuse to understand the burden they bestow upon us? Or are they really deaf to the cries of children, weak under the weight of their backpacks?

Well, guess what? I'M HOME SICK TODAY! Yup, I stay up until nine o'clock to finish all of my homework, and now I don't even have to turn it in!

Not that I'm not glad for a day off school, seeing as how bad I felt yesterday. I have a science test tomorrow and I have all day to study. But still... my life sucks.

Like right after today, I have a test. YIPEE. I get to spend my one free day from school STUDYING! Seriously, what's the difference? I might as well go to school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaack! Look out! Sea levels are rising! Weather is changing! global hurricanes and tsunamis!!! Jasmine has to study on her day off!!!!!!!!!